Sun Belt Neighborhood Analysis

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Nationwide cultural views and values within the United States have distinguished the economy and urbanism between the Rust Belt and Sun Belt. The Sun Belt area of the United States (US) stretches along the South East and South West, while the Rust Belt is found in the North East and Midwestern area of the United States (Hardwick et al., 2013). Throughout the 1900s the United States has experienced rapid growth and development within all areas of the nation. Significant cultural events between the 1900’s and 2000’s, such as, Post World War One, World War II, and Post World War 2 era greatly impacted the economy and urbanism depicted in present day society. Cultural views like “the urban life”, racial discrimination, “the suburban good life”,…show more content…
Even individuals who lived in the plantation areas of the south and mountainous regions of the north aspired to achieve the “urban life” and a few of these individuals migrated to urbanized cities in pursuit of these aspirations (Vandier, 1963). This cultural view of the “urban life” resulted in the growth of pre-existing urban centres and rural areas that transitioned to small urban centres. Major metropolitan areas expanded towards each other along the transportation lines that linked them. The economies within these areas transitioned to more post-industrial era practices (Vandier, 1963). For example, primary sectors like agriculture developed urban characteristics as well as part time farming, which became more common within society. A man could now live in a rural area to farm and have an urban job in the city (Vandier, 1963). Urban structure within both the Rust Belt and Sun Belt region were very similar during this time period. Urbanism within both regions involved a central city surrounded by a contiguous area of sufficient population per square mile (Vandier,…show more content…
Firstly, World War II catalyzed a surge of racial violence within large cities as more than 5 million African Americans migrated northward to seek employment at recruitment centres and production factories (Avila, 2004). Several government run facilities were established across the United States, including naval bases, manufacturing facilities and recruitment centres, especially within the Sun Belt states. Many Caucasians with an entrenched belief of white supremacy assumed that they were entitled to the defense jobs offered by the American government, and did not want to compete against African Americans for employment (Avila, 2004). One example of a protest against the integration of African Americans in defense jobs occurred on June 6th 1944 in Cincinnati, a city within the Rust Belt, in order to prevent African Americans from working at the Wright aircraft engine plant (Avila, 2004). Protests also arose within Sun Belt cities like Los Angeles in the year 1943, which demonstrates that the cultural view of racial discrimination was prevalent in both the Sun Belt and the Rust Belt (Avila,

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