Beowulf As A Hero Essay

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There are many people that are categorized by society as heroes. A hero is not defined by a certain title that “says” they are great, but by the way in which they present themselves and the physical actions they carry out. Beowulf's character embodies the sole significance of showing how a true hero is to be. Not only was Beowulf a victorious warrior, he developed a divine method in which he carried out his duties. He is significantly different than any other character one could compare to him because he is never forgotten. Many heroes of English Literature become drowned out by the heroic feats of modern day characters, yet none seem to be able to knock Beowulf of his gallant pedestal due to his loyal and courageous mentality. His character…show more content…
The character of Beowulf is the quintessential exemplar of a heroic character. Authors analyze the aspects that make his character so fundamentally perfect and use their findings to assemble characters in their own writings. When breaking apart Beowulf’s character one can see what truly makes him great. Beowulf’s success comes from the confidence he had in himself and his approach in life (Lam). The way his character takes society's views and implements them into his philosophy makes him the perfect outline to copy from (Stitt Beowulf). Not only is his character influential through his characteristics, his enemies help enhance his abilities. The monster Grendel embodied everything that Beowulf was not (Shea). Literature can really benefit from learning how to use factors other than the actual character to put on spotlight on that character. Yes, Beowulf’s character was very prosperous by himself, but his attributes are really enhanced through the supplementary features in the story. His model truly does give future characters a block to build off of. This legacy has impacted English Literature quite drastically and will always have a lasting impact on the standard of

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