Benjamin Franklin Research Paper

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“Throughout the centuries there were men who took first steps, down new roads, armed with nothing but their own visions” (Rand), one of these courageous men was Benjamin Franklin. From a young boy, Benjamin reflected the ideals of a model colonial American: innovative, generous, independent, hardworking, and determined. Throughout his life, Franklin displays the idea of the American Dream as well as being a model American colonist. The American dream is the idea that every American should have an equal opportunity to reach success with hard work, determination, and initiative. Benjamin Franklin represents the ideal model American and reflects the ideas of the American dream because of his innovative, selfless, curious, and persistent character.…show more content…
Even when “having so large a family [his father] could not well afford” (Franklin 6) a college education for each of his children, Benjamin refused to be denied an education, so he read books in order to receive an education. Believing reading was the best way to receive an education, Franklin “was fond of reading, and all the little money that came into [his] hands was ever laid out in books” (Franklin 9). In his free time, Benjamin would read books for hours each day, having an immense interest in the knowledge he could acquire from reading. From a young boy, Franklin would have “such a thirst for knowledge” (Franklin 9) that he would read books he had little but no interest in, such as his father’s books about polemic divinity. Franklin “spent no time in taverns, games, or frolicks of any kind” (Franklin 61) because reading was important to him. The model American’s desire to learn extends so far that he “had studied and practis’d” (Franklin 37) methods out of books in order to master swimming. In modern day America, an American, voluntarily spending time learning and educating oneself, is unheard of. His tenacious obsession with reading and learning had brought opportunity to him. Benjamin was unbelievably intelligent and using that knowledge, he changed colonial…show more content…
Franklin was “instrumental in getting the street pav’d with stone” (Franklin 98) so people would not have to deal with muddy shoes when crossing the dusty, muddy streets. Mr. John Clifton gave Franklin the idea of “enlighting all the city” (Franklin 98-99) with street lamps. Benjamin assisted Clifton in discovering a plan in order to sustain the light of lamps for a longer period of time. In addition to lighting the city and streets, Benjamin “invented an open stove for the better warming of rooms” (Franklin 92). The stove not only saved fuel but also provided warmth and comfort in homes throughout many communities. Throughout the 1700’s, colonial Americans were not as innovative as Benjamin was and even if they were, they would fear pursuing their idea because of failure. Many scientists and innovative thinkers desired for Benjamin to help them pursue their ideas and inventions because of his known successful projects. Benjamin’s determination and hard work gave him opportunities that made him more
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