Bad Boy Chapter Summary

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The book ‘’ Bad Boy’’ was written by Walter Dean Myers. The name of chapter one was roots because it tells you were he came from, and the people in his life. On page three, Walter talks about the event of his mother’s death, after giving birth to Walter’s sister. Although his father was left with seven children, a man named Herbert Dean {Walter’s adoptive father} Adopted Walter, and toke Viola and Geraldine to their real mother Florence Dean {Walter’s adoptive mother.} On pages four through five Walter talks about how Florence married George Myers {Walters biological father}, and later married Herbert Dean. Finally on page six Florence and Herbert decided to adopt Walter. On chapter two it tells you about where Walter grew up as a kid. On page seven Walters talks about his memories of living in Harlem, NY, and his memories of going to Abyssinian Baptist. On pages Eight through nine Walter talks about his New Family, and the time he spent with his sisters. Although Walter was the baby of the family, One day he made a huge mistake. On page eleven Walter explain to us that his sister…show more content…
Walter explain to us that he went to Public School 125, and on page eighteen he says that he is often picked on because of his speech impediment. Although Walther was a good student he was often sent to the principal’s office because of his violent tendencies. Despite the principal’s office being a bad place to be sent to, on page eighteen he say that he actually like to go to the principal’s office. The reason he like it so much is because he could lessen to the teachers talk about their day. Even though Walter had a good life there was a woman named Mrs. Dodson, who had to ruin it. This woman would do anything in her power to ruin his life by convincing Walters’s mother that he shouldn’t be allowed to play with guns and to read comics. Finally Even though Walter’s Comics were taken away he still had a
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