Tipping Point Thesis

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The book, The Tipping Point, looks at how and why things spread rapidly and unexpectedly throughout our society. In this book, we read about social epidemics that have occurred in our lives. We see where they have begun and where they took off. The general purpose of The Tipping Point is to show readers how sudden changes take place in our everyday lives and how most of the time these changes are unexpected. “This book can appeal to anyone who likes or is studying, psychology, sociology and epidemiology. It also uses different examples from business, education, the media, and fashion (Q and A with Malcolm).” Thesis and Summary: At the beginning of the book, Gladwell starts off by telling us how a tipping point is essentially a turning point…show more content…
Everything has to start from somewhere and eventually end up as the tipping point and lead off to something else. Gladwell got his word across throughout this book because the concept of word-of-mouth is how trends get moving and how people start talking. The assumptions that Malcolm makes is that everyone has a different role in how word gets spread across our society, we either have the connectors, the mavens, or the salesmen. Gladwells arguments are in fact logical. Going back to chapter 1, he provided statistics to all of the violence and drug related problems that occurred downtown Brooklyn, along with his facts on Paul Reveres midnight ride. What Gladwell wrote is all true, especially when he talks about the suicide and smoking rates with young…show more content…
Technology has been the biggest change in the world because it's the most common way we communicate. Whether it be over the phone or with the computer, without the change in technology, who knows where we would be with out it. Another change that is very important to a business organization is people. People are the key to any successful business, no matter who they are, the employees or the employers, people are important for the initial business strategy. As the business changes, so do their customers and these customers bring up new ideas and possibilities towards the company. As the world evolves, so should your business. That is why The Tipping Point, is a great example on how and why change
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