Automotive Mechanic Career

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The Career of an Automotive Technician Auto mechanics have a lot of responsibilities when it comes down to working on vehicles. The auto mechanics industry has evolved a lot over the years and still continues to change. There are a lot of training and skills needed to be a good mechanic, and the pay and the work schedule revolve around that. Auto mechanics is an excellent field to go into because of the pay, schooling required and the overall use of the field. Automotive mechanics have a lot of responsibilities from checking cars various systems to diagnose issues. They run tests using a computerized system to help identify vehicles parts that may be malfunctioning. The broken or worn parts must be removed and replaced with new parts so…show more content…
Classes such as computers, mathematics, electronics, and math are said to be good classes to take in high school to put towards a mechanic field. A lot of times more skill level is required before becoming employed. After high school there are training programs that usually last six months to a year to complete and train them on all the essentials needed to become a mechanic. In those trainings there is hands on and in class instructions to help educate (Automotive Service Technician or Mechanic). It takes around two to five years to become fully qualified typically, and an additional one to two years to become familiarizer with all the different types of parts and repairs. In some cases employers won’t hire a mechanic unless they are certified technicians. Some of the fields to be certified in are suspension and steering, manual drive train and axils, heating and air-conditioning, engine repair, engine performance, electronic systems, brakes, and automatic transmissions are just some of the many options (Automotive Service Technician or Mechanic). According to Automotive Service Technician or Mechanic, “For each area, technicians must have at least 2 years of experience (or relevant schooling and 1 year of experience) and pass an exam. To become a Master Automotive Technician, technicians must pass all eight exams.” Once they are passed they are ready to hit the field and start…show more content…
According to Automotive Service Technician or Mechanic, “The median annual wage for automotive service technicians and mechanics was $36,610 in May 2012. The lowest 10 percent earned less than $20,810, and the top 10 percent earned more than $60,070.” The pay is also dependent on where the work is being performed, one of the highest annual paid jobs is working on the government vehicles making $47,240 a year. Some mechanics are paid by the hour others are paid by commission. Mechanics usually work full time and overtime is an option majority of the time a lot of times weekends and evenings have to be worked as well (Automotive Service Technician or Mechanic). Any job can be dangerous if not done correctly but if the correct practices and safety procedures are taken the risk for injury is low. A lot of heavy lifting has to be done in order to move parts around. Sometimes bruises, sprains, and small cuts are common in this line of work (Automotive Service Technician or Mechanic). Even though the job consists of tough work the outcome is great. In the automotive mechanics industry there are a lot of tasks that must be mastered to become a good mechanic. The more training one has the better mechanic they will become. The industry has evolved a lot since its start in 1903 when the first car hit the market, and still continues to change today. Auto mechanics is an excellent field

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