Authentic Leadership Case Study

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Standard 6: Authentic Leadership Achievement of authentic leadership for an organization requires leaders commit to their own development and to serve as role models for others. Leaders of organizations must commit to creating and sustaining healthy work environments by creating the vision, culture, environment, infrastructure, and strategic direction. Elements of a healthy work environment: Several initiatives have been undertaken to promote positive and safe work environments for nurses. The Nursing Organizations Alliance (2004) developed and presented its Principles and Elements of a Healthful Practice/Work Environment (Box 1), which provides a framework for organizations to improve nurses' work environments. The Joint Commission noted…show more content…
A culture of accountability - Role expectations are clearly defined - Everyone is accountable 4. The presence of adequate numbers of qualified nurses - Ability to provide quality care to meet client's or patient's needs - Work and home life balance 5. The presence of expert, competent, credible, visible leadership - Serves as an advocate for nursing practice - Supports shared decision making - Allocates resources to support nursing 6. Shared decision making at all levels - Nurses participate in system, organizational, and process decisions - Formal structure exists to support shared decision making - Nurses have control over their practice 7. The encouragement of professional practice and continued growth and development - Continuing education and certification are supported and encouraged - Participation in professional associations is encouraged - An information-rich environment is supported 8. Recognition of the value of nursing's contributions - Reward and pay for performance - Career mobility and expansion 9. Recognition by nurses for their meaningful contribution to practice These nine elements will be fostered and promoted, as best fits, into the work of individual member organizations of the alliance,…show more content…
Appropriate staffing is a key characteristic within a HWE. Appropriate staffing within the work environment has resulted in a decrease in preventable adverse events (James, 2013) and hospital acquired infections in acute care settings (Kelly, Kutney-Lee, Lake, & Aiken, 2013). Appropriate staffing remains at the forefront of healthcare organizations as a result of research findings in the literature that connect staffing issues and poor hand-off communication with increased risk of preventable adverse events and hospital acquired infections ((D. Kelly et al., 2013). A landmark study by Aiken and colleagues (2002) found that in hospitals with fewer nurses per patient, surgical patients were more likely to experience higher death rates from failure to rescue (insufficient nursing care) and death from complications. The same study also found that nurses working in institutions plagued by insufficient staffing and workforce shortages were more likely to experience emotional exhaustion and greater job dissatisfaction (in Cherry & Jacob, 2014; p:

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