Gena Village Case Study

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EMERGING MARKET INSTITUTE _____________________________________________________________________________________ Thesis Submitted to Beijing Normal University In partial fulfillment of the requirement for the Professional degree of International Masters of Business Administration By: Johnny Mek Kolkia Thesis Supervisor: Professor Hu Biliang 15th July 2015 OUTLINE Page No. Chapter 1. Introduction……………………………………………………….1 1.2 Purpose of Study 1 1.3 Context 2 1.4 Question 3 1.5 The Gap 3 1.6 Boundaries 4 1.7 Contribution 4 1.8 Chapters 5 Chapter…show more content…
Having better infrastructures in rural areas helps to reduce poverty by providing greater access to the markets for the rural farmers, enables and encourages the rural people to engage in other non farming activities that generate additional income for their families. Having access to basic education and health care enables them to improve their living standard and live a simple but a healthier lifestyle. Investment in rural feeder roads, electricity, clean water supply, schools from elementary to primary, health facilities providing basic health care, in rural villages, which are referred to herein as “rural infrastructures” are very important for rural development because they remain the most simplest and most basic needs of the rural villagers. The provision of rural infrastructure is a priority area for development for the government of Papua New Guinea but it also remains a challenge for the government to this…show more content…
How rural infrastructure supports rural development, especially in the rural village, and how is this so important to Papua New Guinea. It sets out the background giving rise to this question 2.1 Problem Question The title of the paper is “Building rural infrastructure for rural Development” thus the questions for considerations in this study are; Does rural infrastructure supports rural developments in Papua New Guinea? What are the positive impacts on the rural Gena villagers and Whether the initiative taken by the Gena villagers to build “rural infrastructure” can be accepted as a new approach to addressing the problem of infrastructure deficit in rural villages in Papua New Guinea and why this is so important especially for Papua New Guinea? 2.2 Rural Service Delivery Mechanism In Papua New Guinea The rural infrastructures such as roads, water supply, electricity, health and education facilities are often referred to as “Government services” in Papua New Guinea. The delivery and maintenance of such services into rural villages or communities in Papua New Guinea is considered the responsibility of the Provincial Governments and the Local Member of Parliament who represents his/her electorate in the National

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