Summary Of RSVP 1976 By Senga Nengudi

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I observed the piece “RSVP 1976” by Senga Nengudi in the Spelman College Museum of Fine Art on October 1, 2014 at 11:00 a.m. The atmosphere of the museum felt new and quiet making it easy for one to concentrate on the many beautiful pieces in the museum while browsing. Within the captivating exhibit, “RSVP”, stood out to me the most because of its uncommonness. The message that it gave off is unique and fascinating the way Senga Nengudi expressed the beauty of an African American woman, the embracing every curve, every mark, every bruise, along with every bend was intriguing. Normally, I would not have been able to observe and give a strong observation as I have done, but I was able to do so because of how interesting the piece was. Although…show more content…
The piece composed of two nylon mesh colored panty hose, one of a dark colored brown and the other of a light colored brown, a black bicycle tire molded into an odd shape. This piece of art upon my observation, I saw and translated “RSVP” to an African American woman with her legs stretched open and her breast saggy. The bicycle tire molded into a crescent shape symbolized the openness of the woman’s legs and the nylon mesh panty hose symbolizes the breast being saggy as an American woman of many colors. “RSVP” portrays an image of that no matter how far bent, how over stretched, how bent out of shape, no matter what color and no matter how she looks, she is still strong, beautiful, and worth everything. Any viewer of “RSVP” can infer that the subjects of this piece is secure with in their own self-identity and she is by the way her identity is embraced beautifully because it is known that not every woman is secure within her own…show more content…
Women are undecided on what role they want to play in life. They do not know whether they want to be feminine or masculine, and it a constant ping-pong back and forth between the two gender roles. These seemingly weak roles began in the ages of adolescences. Many popular novels have said that before adolescence, young women have a variety of interests and opinions about the world. However, it is said that as they enter the dating ages, those young women lose their train of thought. They stop having that drive and voice of their own because of the natural demands of becoming submissive and silent in order to be attractive to a man. The creation of one’s self identity is usually experienced in adolescence in western societies such as the United States. Young women identify themselves through the mass media: television, newspapers, radio and magazines and when those young women hear a message in song lyrics that suggests the impression that only a certain body type, hair length , skin color, breast size and even height is beautiful, it becomes discouraging. The mass media makes the young women feel as if they are unattractive, that what they have to offer and what they look like is nothing, as if they are not worth a second look on the scale of beauty. The lyrics song by the rapper , Consequence says, “Light skin is the right skin, so you, you, you and your white friend” is only one out of a million song

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