Analysis Of Justice: Crimes, Trials, And Punishments By Dominick Dunne

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Justice: Crimes, Trials, and Punishments starts off with Dominick Dunne talking about what made him write this book. In his introduction, he gives insight on what his life is like; knowing famous people and how he hates the trial system. One event that shook his life was when his daughter, Dominique Dunne, was killed by her boyfriend, John Sweeney. Dominique was in a controlling relationship with her boyfriend John and it ended badly after they got into a fight; he choked her until she died. The tragic part about this event was that he was convicted of voluntary manslaughter and only received six and a half years. The verdict and the situation changed his view on judges, lawyers, and the system as a whole. Every case that he talked about in…show more content…
“A tragic event in my personal life changed me forever”. (Dunne ix). The trial to get justice for his daughter did not go in his favor. It changed how he felt about the system; corrupted and just for show. “The lies that are tolerated shocked me, as did the show-business aspect that has taken over the justice system”. (Dunne ix). He felt the defense lawyers could say anything about his daughter and she couldn’t defend herself because she was deceased. “Anything can be said about the dead, and much was, but the killer’s grave past offenses as a beater of women were kept from the jury”. (Dunne ix). John Sweeney, the boyfriend who killed her, portrayed himself as a god loving man who couldn’t do no wrong. “My daughter’s killer was “costumed” like a sacristan in a Catholic seminary. For a prop, he carried a Bible, which he read throughout the trial in a pious fashion”. (Dunne ix). Another reason why he wrote this book was to show that he gets inside information about the rich and famous because he knows a lot of rich and famous people. (Example out of book). When he talks about the cases, he gets insight on the victim or offender by getting information from the lawyers, friends, or family members. He basically brags without bragging about how much he knows about the lives of famous people. (Example out of book). The last reason for…show more content…
He died, she didn’t get the money, and she sued Alfred for 5 million dollars for not leaving her money. “Vicki Morgan established herself in tabloid history as the $18,000-a-month mistress of Alfred Bloomingdale, the department-store heir and founder of the Diners Club, when she filed a $5 million palimony suit against the dying millionaire, claiming he had reneged on a promise to provide her with lifetime support and a home of her own”. (Dunne 47). Before the suit went to trial, she was beaten and killed by Marvin Pancoast. It was believed she was killed because she was going to expose the sex tapes of her and Alfred and Pancoast was sick of her dwelling on the fact she had no money. “Her money and glamour gone, she felt that her options for ever recovering her former status had been exhausted. In the end she drove him to the breaking point, and he did for what she could not do for herself: he killed her”. (Dunne 46). He talked about this case because it was a big scandal involving sex, money and

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