Argumentative Essay On Lord Of The Flies

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Lord of the Flies Golding has written this novel based on the purpose of showing how, when put against internal and external conflicts, human nature can crumble under the hand of savagery. Being civil has no place in the text of this book when the author writes about the struggles of how a group of boys try to keep their reasoning when instinct is biting it's way to the surface. Ralph and Jack, the protagonist and antagonist, are the main beings who endure these changes I have described. Though they differentiate with how they respond to these instincts trying to over ride their sense of reason. Now, Golding writes in the first three chapters about how the boys take to finding out that they have been stranded on this island. There is also…show more content…
He and his group of hunters have now put on face paint as masks to basically, "cover their identities" meaning they are hiding who they are behind the disguise of insanity. Ralph is just managing to stay civil and a level head. He imagines being rescued by keeping the signal fire going to have the smoke be spotted by passing ships or aircrafts. While the others do not fret over such things, they decide to play around. "What they might become in darkness nobody cared to think." (130) This is proof that a majority of the boys did not even have a thought as to what they might become if the darkness and taint would corrupt their…show more content…
Ralph being the one to win of course, good over coming evil, the boys come to realise that they have become the first thing they feared, beasts. Monsters that could never be saved once they are gone. Jack was of course way to far gone to every become civil again, but even though Ralph had a taste of darkness, the consumption of being a savage, he managed to hold onto reason, to keep his mind. When they are rescued in the last chapter, Ralph tells the Coast Guard that some have gone ["Only two. And they've gone."] (201) because they don't exactly know who was
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