Argumentative Essay On Immigration

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In the eyes of American citizens, politics is viewed as a unique and complex subject. Many Americans aren’t politically educated enough to completely understand how the government works, which causes them to view the government differently. This view of the government has a large effect on the new generation of young students pursuing a career in this field. In order to make politics easier to understand, Americans need to be more informed on important issues this country faces and allow the people to feel more involved in the government. One of the largest issues I see in this country is the issue of immigration. Immigration has become a large topic of debate ever since the start of the new presidential race. Many candidates have been using immigration as an important topic for their campaign. This topic has also been becoming more important because of the migrant problem occurring in Europe. The politicians in congress want to enforce a strict immigration policy to keep the nation safe. A policy that would solely focus on illegal immigrants and the prevention of illegal immigrants passing through the border. There are a few proposed policies that can also have an effect on the immigrants that have been living legally within the United States. Most of the Republican candidates are on board with a new…show more content…
Trump’s proposed plan would cost millions of dollars and would remove a large number of working class people. Removing immigrants would defeat the purpose of the United States. This country was built by immigrants from all over the world. The immigrants in the country have a large impact on the nation’s economy and they are the majority of the working class. Coming from an immigrant family I see this as an important issue. My family came to this country for opportunity of a new life. If the Republicans pass this bill, this could have a large effect on my
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