Argumentative Essay On Immigration

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Ruba Hamed English 1101-103 October 11, 2017 Essay II The difficulty immigrants face in the US is no secret to anyone and their future in this country is now even more at stake than ever. On September 5th of 2017, hundreds of thousands of immigrant’s hearts were shattered. It was announced by Attorney General Jeff Sessions that the work and education program that has protected 800,000 young people from being deported will end in six months by means of the Trump administration. The Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals, also known as DACA, is a type of administrative relief from deportation. It’s an American immigration policy that allowed unauthorized immigrants who entered the US as children, to obtain a renewable two-year period…show more content…
How will this repeal affect them? Many recipients have mentioned the hopelessness they feel, and how demoralizing this ordeal is to them. They won’t be able to work or have an education and will be very vulnerable to deportation. In Jamie Loftus’ article “Nine Important Perspectives from Those Affected By DACA, immigration lawyer, Dara Gell says “As an immigration attorney, I have clients with DACA. It will affect them immensely. They will lose their jobs and have to stop their educations. They will once again face the constant terror of imminent deportation. For five years, they have made plans and built families and now everything they have done or have thought of doing is in danger. It is heartbreaking. For me, as a lawyer, I’m trying to help clients plan what other avenues for deportation relief are available, though for some people there is nothing or almost nothing.” (Retrieved from DACA gives its recipients the opportunity to finally be treated like a citizen. They were always American citizens at heart but with DACA they get a social security card which makes them citizens in paper too. Other than the fact that they can get an education and a work permit, DREAMers can also get a driver’s license and build their credit score by applying for a credit card. At last, they can receive healthcare and even pay utility bills in their own
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