Appropriate Setting In 'The Most Dangerous Game'

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Have you ever thought of what a story would be like without a setting? Without a descriptive time and place as to where and when the story takes place, the writing would display an immense absence in detail. Eliminating the setting in any story would make the writing ineffective and would restrict the writer of displaying a clear purpose, dialogue, or plot. In further detail, the rudimentary setting provides information that the dialogue, theme, and purpose can refer to, making the story interesting and purposeful. The setting is then used to influence the characters mannerisms towards each other, and many other elements that a story needs such as the plot, conflict, dialogue, and theme in order to be successful. In the short story, “The Most Dangerous Game” the setting of a dark jungle on an island provides the story with an eerie and dangerous background for the two main characters, Rainsford and general Zaroff, and their battle for survival. The…show more content…
For example, General Zaroff states, “I had to invent a new animal to hunt.” (p. 224) which indicates that he has lost the ability to see the difference between man and animal. Furthermore, the author displays General Zaroff as an overconfident and boastful man. For instance, General Zaroff displays the animals he has killed all around the halls of his palatial chateau or palace. In a sense, General Zaroff is exaggerating his “trophies” to Rainsford revealing an antagonistic and evil feeling towards Zaroff from the reader¬. As opposed to Rainsford whom stated to General Zaroff, “You are not a hunter, you are a murder.” (p. 225) This quote declares innocence upon Rainsford making him the protagonist in the story. The setting also provides the reader with the information to see that Rainsford is adventurous, resourceful, and self-sufficient by using the details of the jungle and his fight for

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