Just Legalize It Summary

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Jason Ogle, a second year non-matriculated Biology student at the University of St. Martin, in his essay “Just Legalize It: Part 2 tackles the decriminalization of marijuana in society. The author examines the research of George Bierson who stated that marijuana may damage your brain, reproductive system, and immune system, and argues that the drug is less worse than heroin or prescription drugs. Ogle stated reasons why marijuana usage is harmful based on George Bierson’s “Marijuana, the Deceptive Drug.” Some of the reasons include brain damage, damage to the reproductive system, weakening of the immune system, and that the drug is a gateway to harder drugs. However, Ogle argued that Bierson’s conclusion were not accurate. The title of the paper is appropriate and fits the paper. Although the title makes me want to read on to find out what should be legalize, it’s not very creative. A possible title could be “Marijuana: Just Legalize It.” A title like would tell the reader what the essay is about beforehand.…show more content…
He stated that George Bierson’s Heath test results show that the brain of monkeys showed evidence of brain damage. However, he argued that the tests were discredited due to high doses of the drug and a small sample size, and that more current studies of people who are heavy marijuana smokers show no signs of brain damage. Ogle also stated that damage to both the reproductive system and the immune system are again based on invalid experiments of nearly lethal doses administered to mice and other animals, not

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