Applied Sports Psychology

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Assignment 1: Section A: Applied sport psychology is the study of mental/ psychological factors and how they affect the participation in sport as well as the level of performance in sport. This research, and theory are then applied in such a way to educate the coaches, parents as well as the athletes on how these mental or psychological factors affect their ability in their sport. Then it is applied to the actual athletes to help their performance. Applied sport psychology should be used by all coaches and athletes even if they feel they don’t have a specific psychological issue as it can be used to enhance these psychological factors and that in turn would better their physical performance just like the athletes hone their physical attributes…show more content…
Mohd, S, O. Rashid, S. Wan Daud, W.(2009) The Effectiveness of Imagery and Coping Strategies in Sport Performance. European Journal of Social Sciences, 9(1), 97-108. Purpose: The purpose of this study is to research the capability of the use of imagery and coping strategies in the amount of participation and sport performance. As well as to see if an athlete who uses the imagery and coping strategies more will be a more successful athlete. Sample: There are 106 respondents who are made up of 42 males and 64 females, they are all Malaysian athletes. They are aged between 17 and 45, the athletes are all of different skill levels and play different sports so there is a wide variety of sports. The ethnicity of these athletes was 79% Malay and 21% was a mix of Chinese, Indian and others. Athletes in this study who represent their country nationally is 35,8% and state athletes is 43,4%. Procedures: Questionnaires were given to specific athletes with different sporting events. After being explained the questionaires were filled out by the athletes. Data…show more content…
Once a sportsman is at their peak in their career is it difficult to better themselves and so even the slightest improvements are very important for them so even though there wasn’t a huge difference in the golfers performance before and after the use of imagery, this small difference is very significant for the professional golfers. The more people perform imagery the better at it they will come so if these professional golfers carried on using imagery perhaps it would make a bigger difference over

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