Ap World History Research Paper

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The period of world history from 8000 BCE to 1750 CE can be divided into three major time periods. 8000 BCE to 600 CE, 600 CE to 1450 CE, and 1450 CE to 1750 CE. The time period 8000 BCE - 600 CE started with the Neolithic Revolution. The neolithic revolution occurred about 8000 BCE. This point of time was when humans started to explore and find new ways of lifestyle.This mainly related to food. Humans first started hunting and gathering and then found new ideas too which people could take on different positions of labor band all the time and energy didn’t have to be spent on just one thing. This is how civilization started to develop. The development of metal was crucial, especially bronze, copper, and iron.This time era ends after the…show more content…
Large religions covered huge areas of land, even though localized smaller religions remained in place. Two nomadic groups - the Bedouins and the Mongols - had a huge impact on the course of history during this era.Their impacts were mainly of Death; Destruction; Extortion Wealth; Disease and Displacement.They also increased Intensification of activity on the trade routes connecting east asia with mediterranean lands (Gunpowder with Europe).The mongols in Russia were not unified, the Golden Horde occurred, Russia was under 250 yrs under Mongol control. A new religion - Islam - began in the 7th century and spread rapidly throughout the Middle East, Northern Africa, Europe, and Southeast Asia. Whereas Europe was not a major civilization area before 600 CE, by 1450 it was connected to major trade routes, and some of its kingdoms were beginning to assert world power. Major empires developed in both South America (the Inca) and Mesoamerica (the Maya and Aztecs.) China grew to have hegemony over many…show more content…
During this period the two hemispheres were linked for the first time in world history and long-distance trade became truly worldwide.For the first time the western hemisphere came into continued contact with the eastern hemisphere. Technological innovations, strengthened political organization, and economic prosperity all contributed to this change that completely altered world trade patterns. Sea-based trade rose in proportion to land-based trade - Technological advancements and willingness of political leaders to invest in it meant that sea-based trade became much more important. As a result, old land-based empires lost relative power to the new sea-based powers. The Reformation and Renaissance took place, an age for the flourishment of the arts and sciences, as well as a question of the power of the Church. European kingdoms emerged that gained world power - The relative power and prosperity of Europe increased dramatically during this time in comparison to empires in the longer-established civilization areas. The Age of Exploration was a major period of colonization and exploration for Europe, taking advantage of finding new lands and trading goods and taking slaves. The Columbian Exchange took place between Spain and Portugal. However, Europe did not entirely eclipse powerful empires in Southwest Asia, Africa, and East Asia. The relative power of nomadic

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