Anthropologist In Anthropology

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Historically, anthropologists have engaged in the practice of development for a very long time. From the rise of Capitalism and Colonialism, they have taken various roles in the process, even though it was kick-started by Truman and his ‘bold new initiative’ in 1949. (Gardner & Lewis 1996:3) Development has also focused on different themes—for instance, in the 1970s development means helping less developed countries ‘catch up’ with technology and skill transfers; thus, the issue who gets the chance to acquire those skills were irrelevant. (Eyben & Moncrieffe 2013:35) Despite these various roles, anthropologists are known for their methodological and theoretical approaches, while development practices are more inclined to practical approaches.…show more content…
(O’Driscoll 2009:17) It may be naïve to expect anyone arrive somewhere completely new without any pre-conceptions about the place, even anthropologists. The effort to be as objective as possible is made even more difficult by the technological and scientific advancement in this day and age. The role of anthropologists in the field of development have helped shape development to a more culturally sensitive and effective work. Anthropologists are a significant progress drive behind the changing focuses of development since 1949. Relating to this argument, Hagberg and Ouattara wrote that there are six dimensions to anthropology and social change, and how anthropologists conduct research that is substantially needed to development work: …The first dimension of engagement is naturally related to anthropological fieldwork. The intensive and committed work of researchers in local communities often involves the engagement and the moral commitment of the individual anthropologist. Anthropologists are involved in inter-subjective relations as part of the research process, and this begs for a continuous reflection on the relationship between the researcher and interlocutor, the objective and subjective, the outsider and insider. (Hagberg & Ouattara…show more content…
(2007). Labelling People for Aid, in J. Moncrieffe & R. Eyben (eds.), The Power of Labelling: How People are Categorized and Why it Matters (pp. 33-47). London: Earthscan. Eyben, R., & Moncrieffe, J. (2013). The Power of Labelling. Hoboken: Taylor and Francis. Gardner, K., & Lewis, D. (1996). Anthropology, development, and the post-modern challenge. London: Pluto Press. Hagberg, S., & Ouattara, F. (2013). Engaging anthropology for development and social change (pp. 34‐ 36). Zürich: Bulletin de l'APAD. Lewis, D. (2009). International development and the ‘perpetual present’: Anthropological approaches to the re-historicization of policy. The European Journal Of Development Research, 21(1), 32-46. doi:10.1057/ejdr.2008.7 O'Driscoll, E. (2009). Applying the ʻ Uncomfortable Science ʼ: the Role of Anthropology in Development. Durham Anthropology Journal Volume 16, 16(1), 13-21. Retrieved from Olivier de Sardan, J. (2005). Anthropology and development (pp. 1-15). Chicago: University of Chicago Press. Paiement, J. (2008). Anthropology and Development. NAPA Bulletin, 27(1), 196-223.

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