Homo Naledi Summary

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This article represents the science field of anthropology, which is the study of humankind and its development through evolution, resulting in several pre-existent branching species such as the recently found Homo naledi in a small South African cave. William Jungers, an anthropologist at Stony Brook School of Medicine, reports how if the bones are as old as they expect then Homo naledi is an early version of Homo erectus, if they are not as old as they expect that Homo naledi are a variation born from isolation. Christoph Zollikofer, an anthropologist at the University of Zurich, however claims that because the two species physical characteristics are so similar in fact that it is more logical that Homo naledi is not an entirely separate species but in fact a primitive variety of Homo erectus. Researchers using their skills have come up with the theory that the cave in which the bones were found were placed there as a body-disposal site, this came from the fact that the bone fragments found belonged to people who could not have entered the cave unless placed there, though this is also a speculation and is being debated on if this is even a possible theory.…show more content…
With the discovery of a different species of our predecessors new data and information is being discovered resulting in a greater understanding of human evolution. This article discusses science which is not using previous data but instead the analysis of recently uncovered evidence which explains how this is an example of pure science. This article is relevant to me because I find anthropology to be a fascinating branch of science, which I would like to learn more about. While I do not expect to go into an anthropology based job I still find that learning more about how we as humans evolved culturally along with biologically is an incredible source of

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