Animal Cruelty Analysis

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New York City, the year of 1840 had innumerable stray dog problem in all five boroughs so the city hired dog catchers to deal with this matter. Dog catchers captured strays; once the cage was full (usually about 20-40 dogs, depending on size) the dog catchers would toss the cage into the East or Hudson Rivers drowning the dogs. Slaughter houses divided animals into two groups, those consumed for food and those consumed for byproducts such as soap, leather and glue (ASPCA, 2015). Sick animals often shared shelter with healthy animals. Some slaughter houses would beat an animal to death while others would drown them since all the slaughterhouses were independently run and unregulated the methods of death varied (ASPCA, 2015). An aristocrat named Henry Bergin developed the first organization to combat the issue of animal cruelty called American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty of Animals (ASPCA) on April 10, 1866. Most people do not know that ASPCA is over 100…show more content…
David Heath, back in 1887 had a more vigorous sentencing than someone prosecuted in one of these states in 2015. The five states with the best animal cruelty laws, California, Illinois, Maine, Michigan and Oregon, a person could be fined up to $50K and/or sentenced to three- five years prison, Humane Society agents have law enforcement authority (meaning they can arrest someone for cruelty verses waiting for a law enforcement officer), increased penalties on repeat abusers, order of protection to include animals, mental health and anger management evaluations and counseling with options for the court to restrict future ownership or possession of animals (Animal Defense Fund, 2014). Since laws vary from state to state all someone would need to do is move into a different state to avoid animal cruelty laws which is one of the reasons why a federal law is

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