Traditional Policing In America

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During the early years of the United States of America, the policing practices were different from region to region. Although they were still different, there were some similarities across the board in the revolutionary changes in the policing process. The changes that were happening during the time, was a change from the traditional system of policy. The traditional sense of policy was very informal and then during this period of time, a unified, industrial bureaucracy became the norm. This transformation, were how the times dealt with how the police got their power and the power they were given. Their extension of power was increased and a portion of the social structure of the police force was unified too. Overall, the police was strengthened…show more content…
From place to place had different opinions of what was the problems were in their region, so they would create law and execute such laws. This was extension of the power that the police got from the evolution of the traditional sense of policing. “As the nature of the police organization changed, so did its specific duties, which moved first from general concern with the orderly functioning of cities, a small part of which was catching criminals; to the functioning of cities a small part of which was catching criminals; to the function in the mid and late nineteenth century of controlling the dangerous class. (Monkkonen 1981).” This was a change to how the government and policy dealt with the hope that they didn’t want having the freedom to do things. This could be with who they felt the undesirables were and who were considered…show more content…
Their motives was beginning up livestock’s and having that kind of business. With having the Native Americans and Mexicans in the land they were trying to farm, they wanted them to get off the land. So for their policing situation they used, rangers, which was a police force of the west. The rangers were ruthless, as they would just shoot to kill any of the Native Americans or Mexicans that they saw. The owners of the ranches, or livestock farms wanted the Indians gone to be able to grow more. This was the way class warfare and money/big business would use their influence to the police. They wanted the ranger to control the people so they could have the business of ranches running

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