Ethical Issues In Animal Rights

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The ecological crisis is due to the separate and demoralized relationship of man with nature. It is necessary to analyze this with respect to the subject and make an object construction, for the variety and complexity of this relationship. For instance, the points of view and the symbolization that is given from each culture, in particular, the Western view of science, religion, legal and philosophy divided opinions about how to see nature. The growing debate over whether this can be considered a legal subject or the suggestion of capitalism and modernity that continue to dominate and exploit nature. Nature then is the primordial object for modernization and development; flora, fauna, complete ecosystems cease to be natural resources to become…show more content…
It was Henry Salt who published the book Animal Rights (19th Century) in which it arises a criticism towards the progressive society where anthropocentrism is the basis of people's thinking and acting, this originated an exclusion where blacks, women, homosexuals and animals are available to the domination of man because they consider them inferior to them. Animal rights are a proposal that goes beyond the legal order of society, but has to do with the ethical and moral foundations of it. The inclusion of animals in the moral sphere in search of their rights is not a question that is assimilated to the search for human rights, in principle because understanding that animals and humans are not equal would make it clear that their rights are not equal either. Therefore the means to achieve it are…show more content…
3) Animal cruelty must be eradicated. This declaration is not yet accepted by the UN and it is NGO’s that are pushing for the nations to enact it as law. The world organizations have managed to take an important step in the issue of animal rights, but in many countries the animal mistreatment is a daily activity far from being punished. This has to do with issues beyond the legal, but rather with issues of culture, values and traditions. From these, a question arises: What does the government gain by proposing these initiatives? The fight for animal rights has not remained in the creation of texts, articles or debates, but has been transferred to direct action, such as bombs in laboratories that use animals for experiments, boycotts in transnational food companies, and this has alarmed the government, even these activists have been called eco-terrorists. Then we could understand that the government prefers to address this situation before the activists and thus stop the attacks and protests. However for some animalists or thinkers of the movement for animal liberation this is only to address the problem in the short term, only for political purposes and not to defend the dignity and animal
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