Discussion- Optimization in operation of reservoir is one of the important activities in the field of reservoir operation that aim at an effective and efficient utilization of water with maximum benefits. Various algorithms have been applied to optimize the Reservoir operation and maximize the net benefit, but they have their own Advantages and Disadvantages. The conventional Linear Programming has been used mostly for the planning and design problems of single reservoir systems. Natural processes
Although PSO is intelligence based, fast speed, no overlapping, simple, faster convergence, highly optimized but its disadvantage is that it suffers from the particle optimism problem, which results into less exact at the regulation of its direction and speed. Another, it cannot work in non-coordinating system [25]. Therefore further need to optimize PSO and its results can be more optimized by using different
Abstract—The importance of biometric authentication is increasing rapidly because it verifies the claimed user identity. There are different types of biometrics available such as finger print, facial scan, retinal scan, voice print. From these, face is one of the most commonly used biometric. Hence the development of face recognition system seems to be useful. There are many techniques people use to evade their identification. Plastic surgery is one of them. Plastic surgery is a surgical procedure
(1) previously. The difference between the previous duty cycle di(k) and the local best particles, Pbest,, 2)The difference between the previous Fig. 3: Flowchart for PSO method duty cycle di(k) and the global best particle Gbest. Thus, the power converter follows the two best Pbest, I mkf and Gbest at the same time. So we will get maximum tracking speed with an optimal solution. The velocity of the particles becomes practically zero when it reaches Maximum Power Out Point. So we can avoid steady
measurable physical and behavioral characteristics that can be automatically verified. There are several types of biometric identification schemes namely fingerprint, hand geometry, retina, iris, signature, vein, voice, and face. Face biometric is the analysis of facial characteristics with facial expressions. Face Recognition is an application of biometric and it has wide applications in authentication by biometric, video surveillance, security and so forth. A computer vision based application that
Ampatzogloua, Georgia Frantzes koub, Ioannis Stamelosa,“ The impact design patterns on software quality,”Information and Software Technology , Issue 4, April 2012, Pages 331–346 [5] TihanaGalinacGrbac,Per Runeson and DarkoHuljenic, “A Quantitative Analysis of Fault Distributions in Complex Software systems,”IEEE Transactions, No. 4, April 2013 [6] Dept. of Inf. Process. Sci., Univ. of Oulu, Oulu, Finland,Bener,“ A Decision-Making process in Software Engineering,”IEEE Transactions, Issue: 6,30 April