Analysis Of The American Dream In The Great Gatsby

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The American Dream-as it emerged in the Colonial time frame and created in the nineteenth century depended on the supposition that every individual, regardless of what his starting points, could prevail in life on the sole premise of his or her own expertise and exertion. The fantasy was epitomized in the perfect of the independent man. Although the true understanding of the American Dream should have been of a greater outcome, but we rather see it being exploited. One of the examples that showcases the mass exploitation of the true meaning of the American Dream is the ‘The Great Gatsby’. It is a novel about what happened to the American dream in the 1920s; a period when the old values that offered substance to the fantasy had been ruined by…show more content…
Fitzgerald has utilized imagery to call attention towards various thoughts throughout the novel. The symbolization of Dr T. J. Eckleburg’s Eyes symbolize distinctive thoughts for poor people and for the rich. Dr T. J. Eckleburg's Eyes on the bulletin in the valley of ashes is an advertisement for an optometrist (called an "oculist" in the 1920s). The picture on the advertisement is a couple of monster bodiless blue eyes (every iris is about a yard in width), which are secured by yellow displays. Whatever is left of the face isn't envisioned, and the announcement is messy with paint that has blurred from being weathered. The typical significance of T.J. Eckleburg and the association between the primary topics is seen later in the novel when Daisy discovers Gatsby like a promotion, uncovering that Daisy discovers Gatsby appealing for the materialistic mask he depicts. The creator keeps on referencing the utilization of promotion all through the novel to underline how the materialistic states of mind of the American Dream are uncovered. This additionally shows to us the possibility of the American Dream as these individuals are buckling down yet because some social hindrances aren't ready to satisfy the possibility of it, the lower classes who restrain this area, all need to leave. However they can't. This delineates how the American Dream is difficult to accomplish. It likewise…show more content…
The Representation of these eyes contrast from poor to rich. For Wilson, the eyes are an embodiment of god and how he conceives that even after all that has happened and after all that is absent, the God is still there and is investigating each and every thing that is going on in the Valley. As we see Wilson saying, “God knows what you’ve been doing, everything you’ve been doing. You may fool me, but you can’t fool God!” However, Michaelis tries to point out to him, “It’s just an advertisement.” This illustrates that even though we don’t perceive Wilson as a church going man or a religious man, he, however needs an entity or a force like god in his life which is why he is equating the eyes to God just to make Myrtle feel guilty about the affair. Even after the death of Myrtle George, he is seen to stare “into the twilight” just the same way Gatsby stares at the green light situated at the end of Daisy’s dock. However when Michaelis tells him that it’s just a billboard, he eradicates the last barrier which might have stopped him from killing Gatsby. Fitzgerald incorporates the Valley of Ashes to speak to the ethically reducing, materialistic culture in which the characters live in, viewed over by according to T. J. Eckleburg, contributing in the pulverization of the American Dream. Letha Audhuy describes the billboard of Dr. T. J. Eckleburg as "a new, but false god, who, the people (in the person of Wilson) believe, "sees

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