Annotated Bibliography On Eating Disorders Among Athletes

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Annotated Biography Katherine Martin Dr. Tucker Fourth Block Bond C, Bonci L, Vanderbunt E, et al. National Athletic Trainers' Association Position Statement: Preventing, Detecting, and Managing Disordered Eating in Athletes. Journal Of Athletic Training (National Athletic Trainers' Association) [serial online]. January 2008;43(1):80-108. Available from: Academic Search Premier, Ipswich, MA. Accessed October 22, 2014. This article explains how to detect and prevent eating disorders among athletes. It characterizes eating disorders among athletes "by a wide spectrum of maladaptive eating and weight control behaviors and attitudes". An estimated 62% of females and 33% of male athletes have disordered eating. Some of the signs of this…show more content…
Also it gives me some statistics to use as proof to support what I say. Finally it will help me figure out which behavior model will be best to use for an intervention to prevent disordered eating among athletes. Crow, S. J., Agras, W., Halmi., K. A., Fairburn, C. G., Mitchell, J. E., & Nyman, J. A. (2013). A cost effectiveness analysis of stepped care treatment for bulimia nervosa. International Journal Of Eating Disorders, 46(4), 302-307. doi:10.1002/eat.22087 This article explains studies and comparisons of data with athletes having an eating disorder. In 1980, a study done showed that professional ballerinas have eating disorders because they believe a small body gives them their optimum performance. It also says that there is a lot of research that still needs to be done. Lastly it sates that the mental effects are worse on the athletes. With this knowledge I know to do more research on the mental effects of eating disorders among athletes. This way I can include the mental aspects of the disorder in my paper. The article will help my research by giving me examples of studies done, so when I make my survey I would have a better idea of what to…show more content…
Also it explains the different behaviors of people who get certain eating disorders. In conclusion, the article says that eating disorders can damage your health extremely. I can use this article for educating people on how to detect eating disorders better. Also tell them what kind of people to watch out for because they are more likely to get an eating disorder. The article also gives information on the effects of eating disorders. FYI: Eating DIsorders. (2002). Scholastic Choices, 17(7), 10. This article narrows the prevention of eating disorders to female athletes. It also gives us the order of which sports are most common for causing a female to have a eating disorder. In the article there was cross-sectional that found a relationship between people's exposure to eating disorders and the outcome of them getting eating disorders. I can use the information found in the cross-sectional study to develop a better survey. Also it will help me be more specific about my information presented in my paper. Lastly,I know to expand my research to find an article on males. In this article it tells us that eating disorders are a important public health

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