American Revolution Causes

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The great uprising, the American Revolution took place mainly because of the social and political tension between the colonies and the British government. The basic nature of conflict between the two sides was a one by one opposing process, meaning that one side would enact things and the other side would oppose and soon the opposition would lead to an wide spread boycotts and violent conflict., the There were many reason that lead to the American Revolution. It was because of the social tension that soon became a social uprising and resulting in the American Revolution. But what were the social tensions that resulted in the American Revolution. First, as the British government landed onto the land of America. British government imposed laws…show more content…
The sugar act was more of a revision of an act called molasses act. The molasses was a importation tax on the product. the molasses act levied a tax of six pence per gallon, but the sugar act, which was a revision to the molasses act, reduced the tax from six pence per gallon to three pence per gallon and included more products to be taxed. But how did the act effect the colonies? Well the act reduced the colonies business, reduced their market and reducing the amount of currency available to them. The sugar act and the currency act was followed by stamp act. The stamp Act, which made the colonist to impose a direct tax on the colonies and increase the revenue from the colonies. The stamp act was disliked by the colonists. An intense opposition came for the stamp act. People demonstrated violence towards the tax collectors and the government officials. As the demonstration towards the stamp act increased, leading to secret organizations such as the sons of Liberty which opposed the stamp act (PBS program Liberty! Website). The stamp act was repealed and was celebrated by the…show more content…
The Boston massacre is a great example of an upset atmosphere between the two. The Boston massacre was a fight between the townspeople and the British troops stationed in the city, but soon the fight became violent and British troops started to fire the American civilians in Boston (Video lesson). Other fights include colonies destroying the tea that belonged to the British, which came to be known as the Boston tea party incident. Soon the small incidents became a national concern and lead to great battles between the two
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