Was The American Revolution Truly Revolutionary

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Was the American Revolution Truly Revolutionary? Throughout time, many countries around the world have had their own revolutions. The Scientific Revolution from the 16th century to the 19th century was one of the first significant revolutions of Western civilization. Before the Scientific Revolution, religion explained everything in everyday life. The scientific revolution questioned everything that was a part of previous society, and changed society in a way that would have been unimaginable before the revolution. The Russian Revolution of the early 20th century began a period of communism. During the First World War, the Russian people were poor and hungry. Russia had lost a lot in the war, and now there were poor living and working conditions…show more content…
In the end, there was a total change to Russia’s political system, and their way of thinking. It took Russia from a monarchy to anarchy to a totally communist and dictatorial society. And the Iranian revolution was a major cultural revolution. When the Shah (King) of Iran had wanted to modernize Iran, he had decided to Westernize it. While the Shah had done this to cause a revolution of his own, he had wanted to make life better for the Iranian people, the people did not agree because it went against their Islamic values. The people fought against the Shah, and created a new system of belief,(Almond). A revolution is a radical change in thought, social order, political system, or economic system. Something must be changed so much that it could have been unfathomable in previous society. The American Revolution was one of the most influential revolutions of all time, but was it even really a revolution? The American Revolution was not fully a revolution in the sense that it is perceived. The Revolution was a social revolution, but not a political or economic revolution. Simply stated, the government and the economy had not changed enough. They…show more content…
This is clearly shown in the change of the social views on women. Before the War women are clearly set below men, but no one really questions it. It is just a part of colonial society. Women aren’t educated nearly as much as men, but society doesn’t know why a woman would need more education. In their society, a woman’s only job is to bear children, sometimes not even raise them. In rare cases, if a woman was a widow, she might take over her husband’s role. However, as the revolution and revolutionary thinking begins, this view shifts. It might be because of new optimism in Protestant church’s, the sentimental mindset, or republican ideals, or a combination, but the view of women did change, (Lewis). While a woman did not get the right to vote for a very long time, society thought more highly of women. They now believe that women had a great influence politically on the world around them. One magazine article from the revolution period wrote that women had the power to influence the people around them, through their children and their husbands, (Lewis). Years before, theses ideas wouldn’t exists. But because of the revolution, they do. Women’s role in society also changes. More women take over their husband’s jobs, especially while they are away at war. Also, women take part in the war effort. Women become field nurses or take part as camp followers, (“The Army Nurse”). These women help the wounded from
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