Human Identity In Elie Wiesel's The Road

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The human identity is the qualities, beliefs, and ideals that differentiate humanity from other species. Through the centuries, humans have struggled to make a picture that deemed beneficial for all. This differed through time period in which those who were high in the social class, were made and had political power often created human identity through their thoughts and beliefs. However humanity has continuously progressed in the right direction, and has begun to develop a clear understanding of what is right and what is wrong. As a result of human progression, the human identity has evolved and changed into what we have today. What can be said about our human identity thus far is that it is not perfect. The world still suffers from racism, war, poverty and ignorance, as well some may even agree that humanity is selfish and needs major adjustment in order to benefit society as a whole. In Cormac McCarthy’s novel “The Road”, a nameless a boy and his father live in a world where the true nature of humanity along with the human identity is questioned after an apocalyptic scenario. A similar scenario is presented in Elie Wiesel's "Night." The protagonist Elie Wiesel and his father are shown just how cruel people can be over their time in a concentration camp during WWII. In a world where inhumanity is dominant, a boy and his…show more content…
The significance of the literal fire, to them, represents light, warmth, hope, and survival. Carrying the figurative fire within them also represents the fact that they carry the love, humanity, hope, light and reasons for mankind to survive within their hearts and memories. The purpose of the fire is to spread in order to counterattack the cold terror of inhumanity. Wiesel’s novel “Night” is the same concept of him spreading the fire. Wiesel is sharing his survival so that people never repeat that

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