Air Power Theory

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The modern operating environment upon which air power now function in is also characterized by vigorous, complicated and unclear nature. This means that air and space operations can be seen as more important that it was. In the examination of the theories of Air Power, this paper shows how this seemingly exclusive theories are interconnected with that of land and maritime power. Consequent to the characteristic of the theories, this paper will also discuss why armies and navies do not see air power as the means to win a war. The three primary theories that I will discuss are those of Douhet, Warden and Pape and how these air power theories relate to that of land and maritime power. The theory of Douhet primarily revolved around the dominance…show more content…
Robert Pape takes an academic approach and eventually focusing on coercive air power and its uses and using statistical-correlative tests, variables, and analyses to prove his point. His thesis is that strategic attack is ineffective to coerce the enemy. These ideas places the other armed forces beside the air force as they are also variables to the success of air power. This is so because of the inter-connectedness of the other branches of service affects the conduct of air power, directly or indirectly. Considering that strategy for military operations is loosely defined as the art of planning and directing overall military operations and movements in a war or battle, this would mean that both the navies and the armies play a part in winning the battle. Moreover, air power offers alternative decisions to the large-scale assurance of land forces, with the heavy monetary and human concerns that air operations always entail. Having these interconnectedness and relations, why do the army and navy not see air power as the ultimate means? On surface level, the way the theorist seem to negate the existence of the other branches, I can see several disadvantages of air power relating to their performance in…show more content…
With only a small number of capable aircraft in increasing demand, the need to deliver guarantees and timeliness of air support must be stable against the requirement to stay flexible and employ air power to where it will show more effectiveness. This demands an acknowledgement that, sometimes centrally controlled air power may be apportioned for set periods, to improve responsiveness and assurance. Coordination can be achieved through the air tasking cycle, which may seem too strict and bureaucratic for irregular warfare in anything other than purposeful operations. Most of the Land or Maritime Component’s prerequisites for air support will be realized through timely mediations at each successive stage of the air planning process. On the other hand, air, land and maritime planning prospects differ and effective joint planning can be difficult where headquarters are isolated. It is to be remembered that the ensured success of air power can only be achieved if it is incorporated at the inception of strategic thinking and throughout operational planning. Adequate planning attention must be sustained at the highest level. However, thorough planning must be managed at the lowest practical level, using an fixed air

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