Advantages Of Direct Selling

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Direct sales can be easily understood as face-to-face selling. Products and services are presented to consumers at work or home by an independent salesperson. Multi-level Marketing is not actually marketing, but an additional technique to systematize and compensate direct salespeople. According to the World Federation of Direct Selling Associations (WFDSA) , multilevel marketing is better depicted as a direct selling compensation plan where salespeople receive payment in a variety of ways. There is no as such accurate defenition provided by any country in the world when it comes to the definig ‘direct selling model’ and at the same time differentiating the legal MLM from the illegal pyramid scheme. Therea are few defintions provided by the…show more content…
Federal trade commion which is a statutory body which was created in order to prevent the unfair methods of competition in commerece, defined the term as : “Multi-level marketing is one form of direct selling, and refers to a business model in which a company distributes products through a network of distributors who earn income from their own retail sales of the product and from retail sales made by the distributors‘ direct and indirect recruits. Because they earn a commission from the sales their recruits make, each member in the MLM network has an incentive to continue recruiting additional sales representatives into their down…show more content…
29, 2014.The article 3 of the said act define mlm “as marketing practice to establish multi-levels organization by having participants introduce new participants into multi-level marketing enterprise, and promote and sale goods or services.” Going by the defintion it no longer matters whether a participant pays an MLM compnay for the right to participate. If a company recruits new participants through existing participants and establishes a multi-level organization, it is governed by the MLM Act The Regulations for the Administration of Direct Selling (Direct Selling Regulations) and the Regulations on the Prohibition of Pyramid Selling (Anti-Pyramid Regulations) are the primary regulations that govern direct selling in China. With this regulation China makes it clear that while Direct Sales is permitted in the mainland, Multi-Level Marketing is not. Direct selling is defined under Chinese law as a “method of distribution whereby a direct salesperson recruited by a direct sales enterprise promotes its product, outside any fixed place of business, directly to an ultimate
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