Importance Of Statistics

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Collecting, organizing, analyzing, interpreting, and the presentation of data is all under the scope of what statistics is. To perform statistics this requires the five stages of performing statistics that is mentioned above. First the collection of the data is required, then organizing the data, presenting the data into a chart, graph, etc. Then analyzing the data for accuracy or other flaws, finally leading to the interpretation of the data. The use of statistics is so common, one may not realize how often we use such information to look at and utilize in our regular day to day existences. Statistics primarily is used for research purposes, and aids to making decisions based of the data that is collected. There is significant importance…show more content…
They are used in government organizations, schooling, businesses, science, medicine, psychology, and several more environments. These are just some of the basic uses but there is relatively a great deal more. For example, a casino can run data to retrieve slot machines numbers, to see which machines are the most popular and have the highest activity. Once the data is collected, from their one can generate the statistics of machines and identify the highest active machine. This can aid the business with making appropriate decisions to keep probability, additionally, possibly acquiring more of that specific machine, or perhaps removing a machine if the activity it not profitable. This example is just one small reflection of how a business can use statistics. One of the most common uses we see statistics used is in the political…show more content…
However, According to Lysy (2013) “The best chart types for displaying quantitative data are often the simplest” (pg.19). The most common charts or graphs that can be used to display this data happen to be pie charts, bar charts, scatterplots and line graphs. Additionally, using these options displays the data in a very simple method, making it easy to understand and see the information clearly. Qualitative data also can be displayed in charts or graphs, recall that qualitative data are categorized and not numeric values like quantitative data. However, the data also can be in a table and moved to a chart or graph also, the more common selection is a pie chart of bar graph, of course other options are available for either Qualitative or Quantitative, but remember if this information is going to be presented to others, it is suggested that the data is easy to read and understand. In addition, to not misleading information. For example, some charts may show the data visually inaccurately, such as using zoomed in effects or different dimensions, this may present a section to look larger or smaller than the data actually is. One would want to Ensure that visually the data is presenting itself in an accurate
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