Advantages And Disadvantages Of Big Data In Business

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The main problem health sector faces is the fact that even though there is more and more data available, most of it is under the form of unstructured data and so it is hard to use it appropriately. Also, veracity of data in a sector in which it is easy to make mistakes (also due to the presence of many unstructured data), errors should be reduced as more as possible to have a good quality of data. To minimize big data problems, many hospitals started to focus in 5 main concepts 18 : • Right provider, that is the medical staff should have the most adapt set of skills and abilities to achieve the best result. • Right care, that is caregivers need to have the same informations and working in coordination to avoid non-optimal treatment strategies. • Right living, that is patients must collaborate to improve their own health by choosing a right lifestyle.…show more content…
37 Advantages and disadvantages As we have seen, the utilization of big data in business can bring both pros and cons; the biggest pro is the possibility of increasing efficiency thanks to a better knowledge of customers, while the biggest issue concern privacy. Summing up the different aspects big data might bring when introduced in a business environment we have: ADVANTAGES: Many companies reported that thanks to the utilization of Big Data, they succeeded reducing their costs thanks to improvements in efficiency and quality. Also, there are companies which makes extensive use of data analytics, being it very important for their business (the most known are Amazon and Google). In fact, Big data helps managers in decision-making through: - The personalization of marketing into a more target-based one; as said in previous chapters, big data permits companies to organise better advertisements champaign by analysing their customers
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