The Importance Of Cloud Computing

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Introduction The purpose of this research report is to discuss why and how “Cloud Computing is a game-changer and is radically altering how organisations meet their IT needs”. The process of cloud computing has been evolving ever since the first computer was invented and implemented into society. The emergence of cloud computing over the past few years is one of the major breakthroughs in computing history and has changed the way many organisations run their IT departments . “The emergence of the phenomenon commonly known as cloud computing represents a fundamental change in the way information technology services are invented, developed, deployed, scaled, updated, maintained and paid for”.(Marston, Li, Bandyopadhyay, Zhang and Ghalsasi 2010).…show more content…
Disadvantages of cloud computing Although cloud computing has its many advantages, there are a number of problems and flaws associated with it that need to be addressed. Security is the clouds biggest flaw. Although this is a big flaw, like anything in the world of business, it is a risk. Cloud computing doesn’t have any set security standards, so many security issues can only be solved due to peoples experience. It is up to the IT departments of organisations to manage their systems correctly, and many organisations may face changes in software and hardware structure and data transfer problems in order to change over to the cloud. (Gai and Li 2012). Other risks are the financial costs associated with it, terms and conditions agreements and low controllability. (Gai and Li…show more content…
It allows organisations to use resources that they do not physically own and reduces the companies computing costs. Cloud computing provides organisations with an infrastructure and service that is already ready to be used, so there is no need for the companies to set up the cloud from scratch. (Gai and Li 2012). Cloud computing allows for new types if applications and services to be developed. “They include mobile interactive applications [31]; parallel batch processing; business analytics applications; extension of compute-intensive desktop applications, and some applications for specific areas”. (Gai and Li 2012). Companies with large scale investment in data centres and software could possible become cloud computing providers. This could allow them to increase profits, increase their reputation, increasing efficiency and greatly increasing their potential to be a big player within the IT industry. (Gai and Li
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