Advantage And Disadvantage Of Solar Energy

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Introduction Energy is the lifeline of all life on the earth. Adequate generation and distribution of energy are the main prerequisites for the growth of developing countries like India. As utilization of energy has become an integral part of our life, its supply should be secure and sustainable. Moreover, the energy production technologies should be socially acceptable, non-polluting and more importantly, cost-effective. But, the current trend in energy consumption is neither secure nor sustainable. The rising consumption of fossil fuels and associated cost of production, together with increasing greenhouse gas emission, threatens our secure energy supply [1]. Therefore, development of technologies related to the production of clean, secure, sustainable and affordable energy has become the priority of the world as a whole. Recently, renewable energy sources have acquired a prominent role in energy policy decisions of countries all over the world, prompted by the steeply increasing prices of petroleum products. Among the available renewable sources of energy such as solar, wind, geothermal and bio-mass, solar energy may be considered as…show more content…
In the beginning of the “semiconductor era”, the rapid progress of silicon technology allowed production of Si solar cells with 15% efficiency. In the second stage (1970s), 17% efficiency Si solar cells were fabricated due to achievements in microelectronics (e.g. photolithography). The most significant results have been obtained in the third (1980s) and fourth (2000+) stages, and Si cell efficiencies close to 25% have been achieved. These efficiencies were due to improved contact and surface passivation of the cell, along the front and rear surfaces, as well as an improved understanding of the significant role of light-trapping in Si devices. For Si cells 80 μm thick, the maximum efficiency is
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