Acts 13: 14-42 Analysis

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In Acts 13:14-42, Paul delivers a sermon to the Jews in the synagogue. This particular sermon contains a message concerning how God brings forth the gift of salvation through Jesus Christ to both the Israelites and Gentiles with great urgency. Words that he uses such as "listen to me!" expresses the importance of what he is about to say to them. In support, he provides evidence from the past to highlight the great things that God has done. Such as, when he took care of the Israelites while in they were Egypt for a long period of time, and when they endured struggles concerning their leadership. Eventually, as he promised, God brought them the Savior, Jesus. Taking all of this information into account, and with an urgent and appropriate tone,…show more content…
This particular sermon contains a message concerning how God is the only the God we should serve, and that we need to fear him while taking our relationship with him seriously. Words that uses such as "so you are ignorant of the very thing you worship " and "this is what I am going to proclaim to you" expresses the importance of what he is about to say to them. In support, he provides historical evidence to prove the urgency of this world needing Jesus. He said, "God did this so that they would seek him and perhaps reach out for him and find him, though he is not far from any one of us." Taking this knowledge into account, and with a serious tone, Paul delivered the news that "The God who made the world and everything in it" is worthy to be praised, rather than all of the other idols they chose to worship. All of this contributes to the art of rhetoric he uses in the sermon once again. Pathos is revealed when we realize how desperate Paul is, as he is calling the Athenians to leave their foolish ways and cry to out God before it is too late. When he says, "For he has set a day when he will judge the world with justice by the man he has appointed" this was something to hopefully draw them to fear the great and awesome God. Ethos is exhibited as well when he gets straight to the point with these people, there's no beating around the bush when it comes to urgent times like this. Showing the people that he knew actually what he wanted to say, showed great respect and confidence in himself. Along with both of these forms of rhetoric, Logos is shown. The arguments Paul and the Athenians make like that we should see God as "like gold or silver or stone" as opposed to the other idols, but we should see him as the one that "gives everyone life and breath and everything else." Following his words, some were moved, while others chose to ignore him. Therefore, his message did make an

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