Maintaining Homeostasis

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I stopped to take a breather as I was done finishing my last lap out of the 4 miles. I had called my mom to pick me up and ten minutes ago, but she was still not here yet. I now had to stand outside in the flaming sun, toasting like a marshmallow, with no water bottle in hand. I was ready to go home to wipe off all the sticky sweat by taking a nice long cold shower. As beads of sweat started appearing on my skin, eccrine glands in my armpits and apocrine glands in the palms and soles of my hands, I knew my body was performing it’s natural procedure to cool my body down. I know that after a long physical enduring activity, you tend to produce sweat, thermoregulatory sweating, affecting your body temperature to increase. My body temperature went from 98.6…show more content…
My body’s procedure in maintaining homeostasis, a characteristic of a system that regulates internal environments, was starting using its different body parts of the endocrine and nervous system. Inside my body are the sensory neurons, peripheral system and the hypothalamus. The peripheral system is part of the nervous system alongside the central nervous system. It’s functioned to carry received information to the central nervous system. The sensory neurons that work with the peripheral system is specifically functioned as nerve cells that transmit sensory information (taste, touch, sight, smell, hear). This works with the peripheral system by working with the hypothalamus. The hypothalamus is a part of the central nervous system, functioned to hormone production. It produces the hormone ---- and releases it into the bloodstream along with the pituitary gland, activating the thyroid gland. The thyroid gland in my body regulates many vital body functions such as breathing, body temperature, cholesterol levels, muscle strength, body weight, menstrual cycle and heart rate to just name a few. The pituitary gland, called “the master gland,” is wired to sense the body’s needs and send signals from the brain to

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