Glass Ceiling Research Paper

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Glass Ceiling- A silent barrier for women in highly advanced and Humanistic Society Sonia Delrose Noronhaa,b and Dr. P. S. Aithalb aResearch Scholar, Dept. of Management, Rayalaseema University, Kurnool -518007, Andhra Pradesh, INDIA bSrinivas Institute of Management Studies, Pandeshwar, Mangaluru – 575 001, INDIA E-mail : Abstract Indian society in the present scenario is considered to be highly competitive, advanced and techno-friendly enhancing the talents and career growth of both men and women. This educated society has also created awareness for gender equity. Moreover, this advancement has also provided ample opportunities for women to occupy equal positions as men. Since many decades women have made their…show more content…
Indian constitution not only manifests equality for women but also authorizes the state to embrace measures in favour of women. Plans and programmes, certain developmental policies are developed for women empowerment in different areas. International conventions and human right instruments towards achieving equal rights of women have been officially confirmed and organised. Noted important among it is the convention on elimination of all forms of Discrimination against Women (CEDAW) IN…show more content…
Becoming a developed nation can become a reality only when all its citizens’ potential is utilized fully. If women are suppressed from participation especially in high public leadership then its impact on the nation can be undesirable. In the above study the researcher has observed the participation of women in authoritative key positions which involves decision making is low. One cannot deny that women are not involved at all; but the number is only a handful. Women have shown their expertise in lower positions. The constraints and the factors that prevent women from occupying these high authoritative positions can be a subject of study by itself. Generally one can point out the prevailing traditional and cultural role of women in our society, family responsibilities; stereotype thinking is the reason for women backwardness. Women in 21st century perform multiple roles of managing family as well as work. Work life balance is a challenge faced by working women. Even after 69 years of independence women seem t o have been struggling to enter the arena of decision making and political authority. 73rd and 74th amendment act though have provided entry at the grass root level, the representation of women in the parliament and state legislatures seems to be poor. Unless women become aware of their rights and duties and are given powers to prove their efficiency, women will remain underrepresented even after reservation. Building awareness among girls

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