A Good And Happy Child: Book Analysis

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In the literary world, a reader can fall into an abyss of dramatizations that allows them to escape their dreary existence of a reality that is filled with normalized interactions and expected daily routines. Once the pages of a book are opened, the beholder is transported to another time, place, world, or even universe, that usually all have one thing in common: the main character’s life is tainted with destructive relationships that structure the biggest obstacles in the story. What stumps me, an avid reader, is how most books can have the same pattern of ruinous connections between characters, but can still remain appealing and leaves you on the edge of your seat. With the novels Mr. Penumbra’s 24-Hour Bookstore, A Good and Happy Child, Signs Preceding the End of the World, Station 11, and The Family Fang, I will explore the possible patterns of destructive relationships in each book in pursuit of the authors’ arguments about how constructive human interaction in the real…show more content…
The unanswerable question that surmounts even after the book was finished was whether or not the demon came from religious or psychological warfare. Either way, a main cause of the demon being in George’s life was the grief he faced because of his father’s death. Also, the lack of support from his mother and his torment at school leads George down a dark, dangerous path that he is trapped in for most of his life. Although he depends on an unlikely group of adults to help him with his demonic disturbance, he ultimately realizes that no amount of care from others can save him from something that he created himself. This depiction created by Evans is trying to reveal the fact that you are in control of all the connections in your life, and you cannot be rescued from your own demons by

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