Mitch Albom's Tuesdays With Morrie

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Nima Bendavood MR. Mashbaum American Literature, 3 10/18/14 Character Analysis Essay Book: Tuesdays with Morrie Author: Mitch Albom Tuesdays with Morrie is a philosophical novel written by Mitch Albom. This is a story of Mitch Albom, a college student at Brandeis University, and his sociology professor, Morrie Schwartz. The story demonstrates a strong bond of love and friendship between the professor and his young student. After Mitch graduates from Brandeis university he promises to Morrie to keep in touch, but this never happens until he see his old professor on a Nightline interview with Ted Koppel about that Morrie is dying of ALS, a disease of nerve cells controlling body muscles. When Mitch and Morrie make contact again, they plan to meet every Tuesday. During the last weeks of Morrie’s life, he tries his best to explain many life’s fundamental issues to Mitch. The first time they meet after 16 years, “Mitch sees a middle aged woman flanking an aged old man in a wheel chair” (26). Physically, Morrie does not have a very good and stable situation. He is and old man now and on the other hand he is suffering from a life-threatening disease such as ALS. Moreover, he…show more content…
He is very successful in his job and as well, obsessed with it. However, he always had a dream of being a pianist as a child. As the story goes on and Morrie and Albom have many profound conversations about love, values, regrets, life, aging, death, Mitch begins to understand more about the world and happiness and tries to change his attitudes towards life. Many times Mitch asks this question from himself “Am I happy, if I die tomorrow?” and he knows the answer is no, although his old professor’s response to this question is positive. Mitch looks at Morrie and sees unconditional love and the fact that he has lived his life to the fullest. This inspires him throughout the story to take another look at his own life and gives him the courage to pursue his
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