Ethical Dilemmas

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• P alleges sexual harassment and gender discrimination. P alleges that her MOS supervisors at the Citywide Vandals Task Force created a hostile work environment for her during the January 23, 2009 through March 28, 2011. P alleges that she was subject of retaliation because she filed an EEO complaint. P alleges that Sgt. Mai wanted her to re-type a form which was send out and when she ask if she need to type it again, Sgt. Maile yelled at her and stated that “You’re a girl and you can’t type” and issued a command discipline. As command discipline, P was placed on foot patrol by Sgt. O’Leary. P states that she changed her work schedule to avoid sergeants Mai and O’Leary. P claims that while under supervisor Sgt. Milone she was unable to make her arrest quota because…show more content…
Milone would assign to her different details. P states that she an approved 28 for addition day to be added to her annual vacation week however St. Milone denied the 28 while P was on vacation and force P to return to work early. P alleges that Sgt. Bein-Aime did not make a partner available to her to assistance with an arrest. P alleges that Sgt. Bein-Aime did not let P complete arrest procedure for an arrest she made. . P claims that her request to partner with MOS Styron in order to increase her arrest numbers was denied by Sgt. Milone. P claims that she was investigation for graffiti however she did not receive any credit for arrest as result of the investigation. P alleges that Sgt. Mai made her remove her name off the mailboxes however male officer was able to keep his mailbox. P alleges that Lt. Sonner denied her request for shift change. P claims that Sgt. Milone asked other MOS to complain about P in order to get P discipline. P claims that Sgt. Milone took a polling at roll call as who does not want to work with P. P alleges that Sgt. O’Leary inspected P before she went to Court to ensure that she was dressed in business attire. P claims that

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