A Career As A Parole Officer

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Probation and Parole are preformed on four different levels, each requiring a different set of skills and job responsibilities. While much of their attributes are similar, there are many small differences, which set them apart from each other. Many things like salary, education, and even some job duties may be the same, but there are small differences. This paper will touch each of these topics in more detail. Parole Parole officers deal in three different departments of law enforcement. According to this article, “parole officers hold positions through the Youth Authority, Department of Corrections, or the Federal Justice Departments. They report to the parole boards and, in addition to supervising individuals that have been released from…show more content…
This training can include a physical fitness test, oral and written exams, as well as a psychological exam. There is also an age requirement. Parole officers must be a minimum age 21 and a max age of 37 when starting at the federal level. You are also required to have some proficiency with computers as you will have to write reports and case notes on a daily basis. You should also be proficient in written and oral skills since you must constantly be in contact with your parolee and different professionals in the field. You should also make sure to keep up on different regulations and laws related to the correctional field (Probation Officer Career, Job, Degrees and Training Information, n.d). I believe one of the most important qualifications to have is confidence and the ability to stand your ground because you are dealing with people who have been to prison and some of them will do anything to make you feel sorry for them and take it easy, so you must be able to handle yourself. Another personality trait I feel fits the position well is compassion. It takes a lot to have to deal with these people who at one point have lost everything, and are trying to get back on their feet, most of the time, with no friends or family to support them. Some of them may look to you for support and you need to be there for them, but if you do not care about your parolee’s they will not trust you,…show more content…
You are also required to have some proficiency with computers as you will have to write reports and case notes on a daily basis. You should also be proficient in written and oral skills since you must constantly be in contact with your parolee and different professionals in the field. You should also make sure to keep up on different regulations and laws related to the correctional field (Probation Officer Career, Job, Degrees and Training Information, n.d). Some other personal qualities I think people in the field should have is compassion. In the field, you will work with many different kinds of people, adults and children, and you have to be willing to help them in their quest to become better people, and to better themselves and their

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