Forceful Arrests In Criminal Justice

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Preventing, investigating and combating crime; maintaining law and public order and ensuring the safety and security of all citizens are just some of the responsibilities and constitutional duties of individuals working in and among the criminal justice system. (Botha & Visser, 2012) Certain criminal activity requires specific law enforcement tactics in effecting arrests based on the nature of the criminal activity as well as the nature of the criminal suspects themselves. In some cases forceful arrests and the use of deadly force is required in order to combat crime. This concept brings about some debate as there is a fine line between forceful arrests and unjust arrests and it is important to remember that criminal suspects have constitutional rights too. When using forceful arrests it is very easy for the suspect’s rights to be infringed upon and ensuring that this is not the case can be a difficult task in some…show more content…
In law enforcement, the ends do not always justify the means and this is usually as a result of an ethical dilemma. According to (Bayley, 2010) whenever an ethical challenge arises, how this dilemma is processed and dealt with says a lot about the enforcer, the particular department as well as the profession of law enforcement as a whole. With the weight of this responsibility in mind, it is critical to define and understand the two basic ethical systems that are used to process everything from ordinary, everyday challenges to potentially career-ending predicaments. It is also critical to define and understand the basic concepts within the criminal justice system including the elements of the justice system. This essay aims to define, analyse and discuss these various concepts as well as discuss whether the ends justify the means with specific reference to law enforcement as a whole and the rights of criminal

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