9001 Quality Approach

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Abstract: - The development of the quality approach and tool set followed the economic challenges in the recent decades. ISO 9001, the most popular management system standard, is continuously adjusted to the actual expectations, so it has an important role in supporting the acceleration of performance on corporate level. Since some leading industries require the certification of the corporate quality management system, the number of certifications may be an important indicator. Comparing the trends of ISO 9001 applications and macroeconomic indicators demonstrates the applicability of this concept. The paper focuses on selected transitional economies (Bulgaria, Czech Republic, Hungary, Poland, Romania and Slovakia) those have an important role…show more content…
Quality approach can be interpreted as proactive management of activities related to internal and external customers. Through professionally selected tools, quality approach can support CSR efforts, project management, development of working processes and environment (Berényi, 2017) as well as strategic problem solving. However, a systematic approach is essential for coordinating the efforts. Although, large corporations may have enough resources and knowledge for establishing a self-developed management system, an internationally accepted framework may give support for a wide range of organizations. Certified management systems allow a ‘common language’ for supply chains worldwide. Moreover, Borial (2011) points out that ISO 9001 (and ISO 14001) give the passport to international…show more content…
Sustaining corporate success required a renewal in corporate management approach. Garvin (1988) deals with the development of quality as a strategic factor. Quality assurance and later quality management supplemented quality inspection and control. The development progress moved the focus from the follow-up of products or production to the conditions of production as well as the enhancing competitiveness. Of course, the quality-related activities mentioned above cannot replace each other: recognizing the customer needs does not guarantee the ability to produce it; or precise manufacturing does not necessarily lead to customer satisfaction. This complexity is easy to observe in case of services. Production and consumption of services is linked, so correction of nonconformities and achieving customer satisfaction needs a complex approach; see Heidrich et. al. (2006), Szolnoki
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