Albert Camus And Sisyphus: Death Is Worth Death

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In Camus' imagination of the myth's ending, Sisyphus, rather than being portrayed as a hopeless being who would prefer death over his fate, is depicted as “victorious.” The quote suggests that “lucidity” is what allows Sisyphus to be victorious, demonstrating that there is glory associated with his ability to face the truth of his life's absurd suffering. Camus heaps praise upon Sisyphus for his attainment of this awareness. The fact that Sisyphus is “crowned” evokes imagery of the powerful position of king. Furthermore, he has a “full heart” and is “happy,” which are all feelings that would not only deter one from committing suicide, but would actually be characteristic of a highly enjoyable life. Sisyphus has received the punishment…show more content…
and Camus' views on the question of whether a life of suffering is worth living are incredible given that the two thinkers have such different backgrounds. Louis C.K. was born in 1967, and lived in Mexico City until the age of seven, when he moved to Massachusetts. After graduating high school, Louis C.K. worked as an auto-mechanic while beginning his career in comedy at “open-microphone” events in the Boston area (Augustyn & Louis C.K. Biography). Albert Camus was born in French Algeria in 1913 to revolutionary, semi-proletarian parents. When he was twenty-five, he moved to France and became a journalist in the French Resistance movement, which opposed Nazi occupation. After retiring in 1947, Camus wrote philosophical essays, fiction, and was active in theater as a producer and playwright (Albert Camus – Biographical). The ability for the same conclusion to be drawn in different historical, cultural, geographic, and occupational contexts is a testament to the fact that the conclusion is one pertaining to the human experience rather than the experience of a particular…show more content…
and Camus are not the only people to have considered whether one should choose a life of suffering over death. Scholars from throughout history have pondered this question, and have come to different conclusions. Seneca, for example, believes that one should choose death over a life of suffering. In his letters to Lucilius, he writes: “As soon as there are many events in his life that give him trouble and disturb his peace of mind, he sets himself free” (Excerpts from three letters by Lucius Annaeus Seneca, 5) Seneca's sees “disturbance of peace of mind” as worse than death and views one's ability to end their own life in this scenario as a noble, courageous act. Seneca never thought that, as Louis C.K. and Camus believe, one can find joy in consciousness towards this “disturbance of peace of mind.” If Seneca had made such an observation about suffering, he would choose life, as he only advocates for death when absolutely all hope and joy is

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