1984 Sex Education Essay

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In the novel 1984, by George Orwell, a common theme explored throughout the novel is the role of sex as a duty and not a recreation. The government enforces the belief that the sole purpose of sex is to create the next generation of blind followers of Big Brother’s rule. In today’s society there are groups of people who believe that having sex is a sin and that people should only have sex when wishing to have children. A modern version of the “Anti-Sex league” would be organizations that promote abstinence only sex education, because they believe that sex is only for conception and for marriage. In the novel, Julia, Winston’s lover, is a member of a popular organization known as the Anti-sex league. This group is dedicated to taking the…show more content…
On one hand people believe that teenagers should learn how to have “safe sex” to prevent the spread of STD’s and unwanted pregnancies. On the other hand there are certain organizations that wish to have abstinence only sex education in schools. They believe that the only way to effectively prevent STDs and pregnancy is to not have sex at all. The government is one of the driving forces in the spread of abstinence only education in US schools. To show where their support lies, “The federal government has invested more than $1.5 billion in state and federal dollars since 1997 into prescriptive abstinence-only and abstinence-only-until-marriage programs” (Alford). In promoting abstinence they hope that teenagers will wait until marriage to have sex, when they are ready to have children. The government believes that having sex before marriage could damage an adolescents physical and mental capacity. The majority of the individuals who are a part of these organizations support this type of education for religious reasons. Many of the congress members who support the abstinence only education initiative are very conservative and believe in traditional family values. “Promoting marriage as the only acceptable family structure denigrates the choice of many Americans to be single or live in nontraditional arrangements”, even when more than a quarter of Americans do not live in traditional family

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