Still I Rise Thesis

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Racism is always going to be a problem. In Still I Rise, Maya Angelou teaches us this. Angelou wrote Still I Rise in 1978. It was part of a three part volume of poetry including 32 other poems called And Still I Rise. And Still I Rise was published by Random House Publishers. In “Still I Rise”, Angelou shows that everyone has to rise above people who put them down by using similes, imagery, and idioms. Angelou uses idioms to show that everyone has to rise above people who put you down. One example of this is “You may shoot me with your words.” This quote proves the thesis statement because she does not care if people say racist things about her being african-american. It connects to the thesis statement because she knows all of the horrible…show more content…
The first example is “ … like dust, I’ll rise.” The quote proves the thesis statement because it creates an image in the mind of her rising above people who are judgemental and racist towards her. The quote connects to the thesis statement because it shows that she will rise above people who put her down and she won’t let them affect her. She knows that she is better than the lies that people say about her. The second example is “Leaving behind nights of terror and fear.” The quote proves the thesis statement because it creates an image in the mind of her forgetting her past of terror and trying to be happy. This quote connects to the thesis statement because she is leaving behind her fears and not letting people take advantage of her because of her family’s past of slavery. The last example is “I’m a black ocean leaping and wide.” This quote proves the thesis statement because it creates an image in the mind of her being strong and powerful. This quote connects to the thesis statement because Angelou is stating that she is strong and free. She is telling everyone that she isn’t dirt like the dirt they treat her like, she is a

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