1920s Social Changes

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During the 1920s, America was living in a post-war ambiance which gave the USA a sense of superiority over other countries due to their victory. In a way, America reverted into becoming a teenager after its new found glory leading the country to rebellion. The 1920s granted the long fight against the selling and manufacturing of alcohol to take effect. To temperance advocates drinking was the symbol of all the corruptness in the cities. By banning intoxicating liquors, they hoped it would reduce crime rates. Contrary to their beliefs, it actually increased the black market selling of liquors. Another social change was the leap towards consumerism. Thanks to inventions like home refrigeration and the automatic home dishwasher, women no longer…show more content…
No longer were women interested in a political change, but were more focused on a social change. These women were taking a leap towards modernism which Driscoll states is a “reflection on the difference of today with regard to yesterday” (137). The new woman broke with previous values, such as abstinence, and short dresses led them to a different practice of sexual expression. Flappers traded in corsets for loosely hemmed clothing. They cut their hair short and long hair was considered the mark of a respectable lady by the older generation. This led the younger generation to gain freedom in exchange for an uneasy relationship with their elders. The new woman’s burning passion to not end up like their grandparents, stimulated them to become open minded. Women suffrage which was enacted in the year 1920 was something their grandmothers never had. Therefore, doors were opened for these young women that empowered them to take a stance against gender bias. Women were now given the same right to vote men always possessed. Thus, demonstrating that women were slowly, but surely becoming equal to men. Many scholars do not agree with the fact that the new woman brought an effective change to society because of the belief that the flapper did not successfully fulfill their initial acts towards feminism. However, one must remember the flappers’ initial goal was to blur the lines between genders and did so by altering her morals. In the non-academic article “Flappers,” Brian DiPaolo argues that “flappers give feminists a bad name by overindulging in their newfound social freedoms and imitating the worst and most excessive habits of men” (1). While it is
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