Why I Admire Steve Jobs

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In the history of entrepreneurship, passionate commitment to the vision, certainty that the vision can be achieved and is worth achieving is a conviction to be observed in all successful entrepreneurs. But very few of them have changed our lives, changed the way we exchange thoughts, changed the nature of technology, and in fact shook the industry. Even fewer have brought changes across industries. These are the great innovators who make us believe that ideas matter, that ideas shape the future and that ideas can and will continue to change the world. Amongst all the global innovators cum entrepreneurs, I admire Steve Jobs the most! He was different from the difficult bosses we know. He was charismatic, inspired people to achieve great things, engendered loyalty in his team. He changed the…show more content…
Below are some of his quotes (in bold): "Your work is going to fill a large part of your life, and the only way to be truly satisfied is to do what you believe is great work. And the only way to do great work is to love what you do. If you haven't found it yet, keep looking. Don't settle. As with all matters of the heart, you'll know when you find it." Steve jobs did not have a college degree but his clear vision and zeal to change the world ever so slightly made him pursue a path and we all know where it ends. He created a billion dollar company which fired him but that did not deter him. He defied the normal rules and rebuilt himself with his passion, intensity and extreme commitment to his idealism. He could do all this cause he loved the what he did, he found the purpose of his life and a tool (technology) with which fulfilled his life purpose. I realised that my current work has become a job and not a career I aspired it to be. I knew how I wanted to shape my life but could not find a path until I came across IOMBA course. Jobs gives me a hope that if you dare to follow your passion, you will never regret

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