
Page 9 of 50 - About 500 essays
  • Essay On Stalin's Transformation Of The Soviet Union

    1108 Words  | 5 Pages

    Joseph Stalin ruled the Soviet Union as a virtual dictator between 1928 and 1954. During the first ten years of his rule Stalin introduced dramatic change to the Soviet Union in the areas of industrialisation, agriculture, culture and education. While there were some benefits for both the nation and the people with respect to the consequences of his policies on industrialisation and education, the impact of his policies regarding agriculture, and culture was overwhelmingly damaging to the Russian

  • Bagfoots Research Paper

    1016 Words  | 5 Pages

    When one thinks of Scotland, images come to mind of bagpipes, kilts, and a tough breed of people living in a desolate, rocky mountain region north of England. Cultural pride abounds, with many Americans claiming Scottish ancestry. However, exactly what are the Scottish traditions, and where did they come from? According to Hugh Trevor-Roper, many of the deeply ingrained traditions are not as they appear at first glance. Referred to as ‘invented tradition’ by Trevor-Roper, the symbolic traditions

  • Evolution Of Cities

    2304 Words  | 10 Pages

    How has the evolution of cities so far been similar in the eastern and western context? Introduction Cities can be described as composite, adaptive systems with multiple instruments that shape the course of their development. They comprise of businesses and households that interact with each other and are always influenced by the historical shape, form and culture of the environment in which they function. Cities over a period of time have become important nodes of the global economic system and

  • Canada Immigration History

    1576 Words  | 7 Pages

    In the pre-1914 period land scarcity, widespread industrialization and economic recession bringing the agrarian society hardships, resulting in unemployment were all major factors that contributed to Hungarians’ emigration. The reason why Hungarians found emigration the best alternative in the interwar years

  • Heterogeneity In The 1960's

    1532 Words  | 7 Pages

    Heterogeneity was an increasing trend from the 1880’s to the 1960’s in the United States. The sense of diversity came about mainly because of the new idea of industrialization. Industrialization called for many skilled and unskilled workers. The need for skilled and unskilled workers, rich or poor, attracted a wide range of people including: women, immigrants from all around the world, African Americans, and of course the white man. The American industrial revolution caused urbanization as most industries

  • Similarities Between Great Britain And Japan

    420 Words  | 2 Pages

    Great Britain and Japan are very similar in their industrial and imperialistic values,though they are also completely different. A lot of these values are effected by their geologic location and the limitations within the country. Japan and Great Britain share a lot of similar qualities such as: they are both island nations, they both have strong navies, and they both rely on trade with other country's for a portion of their income. England and Japan are both surrounded by water on all sides which

  • Shel Silverstein's 'Where The Sidewalk Ends'

    419 Words  | 2 Pages

    a shining example of mankind”. Shel Silverstein’s childlike poem, “ Where the Sidewalk Ends” teaches us an important lesson about youth, where innocence and the imagination was plentiful. The author uses imagery and metaphors to show us how industrialization forces us to grow up. Children are part of this dream world where their imagination runs wild. “ And there the moonbird rests from his flight, to cool in the peppermint wind. Let us leave this place where the smoke blows back” (Lines 5-7). The

  • Importance Of Water Essay

    1141 Words  | 5 Pages

    Water Introduction In this essay the topic of water will be presented in the form of a five-page report. This will be separated into 3 sections; discussion, analysis and conclusion in reference to the different aspects of the questions imposed, which include; what is water? , when do we need it? , and why is it important? In the discussion part of this paper I will introduce the category by giving a brief explanation of what water is and the various purposes it serves in our day-to-day lives

  • Simon Kuznets Economic Theory

    1194 Words  | 5 Pages

    KUZNETS’S INVERTED U HYPOTHESIS KUZNET (LIFE) Simon Kuznets was born in a Jewish family in Pinsk (located in Belarus) on the 30th of April, 1901. When his family shifted to Rivne, he attended a Realschule. Soon, due to the war conditions, his family relocated to Kharkiv where he attended the University of Kharkiv. He learnt various disciplines that included Economic sciences, History, Statistics and Mathematics. He was introduced to economic theory and Schumpeter’s works during this time. The rise

  • Pros And Cons Of The Industrial Revolution

    1246 Words  | 5 Pages

    The Industrial Revolution was a revolution that effected the economy and society throughout the world in a positive way. Many people were employed in factories and the use of machinery increased the amount and quality of products produced in these factories. Even though the use of hazardous machinery and working in harsh working conditions resulted in a loss of lives, the Industrial Revolution was a blessing rather than a curse. Population, income, employment, and the use of technology significantly