Heterogeneity In The 1960's

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Heterogeneity was an increasing trend from the 1880’s to the 1960’s in the United States. The sense of diversity came about mainly because of the new idea of industrialization. Industrialization called for many skilled and unskilled workers. The need for skilled and unskilled workers, rich or poor, attracted a wide range of people including: women, immigrants from all around the world, African Americans, and of course the white man. The American industrial revolution caused urbanization as most industries were placed in big cities and the workers needed to be close to their workplace, so all these newly hired workers ended up living in the same cities. And that is how diversity came to be in America. Now the white man did not exactly relish…show more content…
They were supposed to take care of the kids, cook dinner, clean the house, and complete other domestic tasks. They did not work unless they were in the lower class, women in the working class were not looked at as pure, pious, domestic women. Even if they were white, women were often not welcome in the working class and if they were it was difficult for them to move up the economic ladder. Women got fed up with being second to men and started to take action. They started organizations and protested to gain suffrage and other rights. They had leaders such as Elizabeth Cady Stanton and Ida Tarbell (class lecture). Stanton once said, “The true woman is as yet a dream of the future. A just government, a humane religion, a pure social life await her coming. Then, and not till then, will the golden age of peace and prosperity be ours” (Stanton 1888: 212). Women finally did get voting rights in 1920 when the 19th amendment was ratified. Charlotte Perkins Gilman’s Herland told a story of a community strictly consisting of women. The women were smart, physically strong, and were unified as a sharing community. Women in Herland were independent and were able to work in the profession that best suited them. Most women in the 19th century would view Herland as a utopia because they would have the freedom to do as they please without men holding them back. Another example of society where women could live independently is in Ecotopia. They had equal power in the work place and they were more natural in that they did not wear make up or wear fancy clothes. Women actually had more power in politics than men did. Women from the 19th century certainly would prefer to live in Ecotopia seeing as how they would have more freedom and

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